Streambank Stabilization Streambank erosion has often been perceived as a symptom of problems inherent in a river system and has often been thoughtlessly diagnosed as resulting from the lack of integrity of an individual streambank. Furthermore, this simplistic diagnosis often leads to a simplistic solution: the addition of rocks, rootwads, fabric, or other means to arrest the erosion. However, erosion can be both a benefit and a detriment to a fluvial system, and the causes of erosion often begin well upstream of the affected riverbank. For these reasons, it is imperative that the root causes of the erosion be properly identified prior to the implementation of bank stabilization measures. Kingfisher Consulting, Inc. has undertaken numerous river and stream restoration projects that incorporate the reestablishment of stable channel geometry to degraded river systems. Our ability to design stable channels extending through several meander wavelengths ensures that we can identify discontinuities in natural channel geometry and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate measures for eroding riverbanks.