Kingfisher Consulting, Inc.
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Waterfowl Habitat
Kingfisher Consulting has broad experience in the creation of wetland systems that attract and hold viable populations of migratory and resident waterfowl, and other wildlife. To this end, we will identify potential sites; assess water sources, water rights, and soil permeability; design necessary impoundment and outlet structures; acquire state and federal construction permits; and manage construction activities from initial survey through final revegetation and filling. Our projects result in wetlands that are tailored to the geographic area in which they are constructed, and which incorporate all necessary habitat elements to attract wetland dependent species. This may include large, warm, shallow and productive hemi marshes with an equal distribution of open water and emergent vegetation; or small, complex channels and potholes. In addition, we develop management plans to ensure that adequate nesting habitat and forage resources are available adjacent to the project site.